Thursday, August 1, 2013

Keep Mr. Lowell at Central

A/N: Mr. Lowell was a teacher I had in high school who was very much a second father to me. He's the reason I have never stopped writing, especially when shit was hitting the fan because he showed me that my writing was the best when everything was going wrong. It was, and still is, my escape from the real world. While in high school, Mr. Lowell helped myself and several of my classmates bring back our literary magazine The Cauldron. For six years, it was the strongest club and student-ran publication until he was fired. This was my way of releasing the poison of losing such a wonderful man and friend.

Dear Administration,
You take away our freedom of speech
Expect us to just sit down and shut up
Angry when we don't do just that
We have no freedom of any kind
Now that you're in charge
We kids need an outlet
A place to go and vent
To release the stress you have us all under
So we restarted The Cauldron to do just that
And for six short years that club was great
Until the day you decided to end it
We knew it was coming
Most should have excepted it
We know you never saw eye to eye with him
So you sacked him
Probably with smiles on your faces
He told us in a poem
for the last Cauldron he'd ever build
Then he asked his buddy to read it
Cause he couldn't speak
Then we did the only thing we could think of
We hugged him
We cried
We begged him to tell us why
All he said was "I wasn't given a reason."
To some, he was just some dumbass teacher
No different then the rest
But to a select few, he's been more than that
He's been a teacher, a second father, a friend, a shoulder to cry on
Someone to talk to when we had no where else to go
Someone we could ask for help from when the going got tough
For some of us, he's the reason we graduated
Cause he'd keep us on the right path
Lowell is someone who this school can't afford to lose
Haven't you two done enough already?
Mr. Ertle is gone and that's a damn shame
Then we lost Koby, Lambert and Hyland
Now it's Lowell
So who's next on the cutting block?
Clark and Wrobo?
How much sense does this make?
Getting rid of the good teachers
Were you drunk or possibly stoned
When you decided...
"Let's not bring back Lowell?"
We promised him that we wouldn't be stupid
That we wouldn't make it worse
But you know what?
The hell with that
We're a student body
And we care about our own
Remember when Coach Burke left?
We'll we're about to do that and more
Now you're gonna sit back and wonder "What are they going to do?"
"They were terrible when Burke left, so what else is there they can do?"
And we hope you're good and scared
Cause this one mistake is gonna cost yah and lead to more problems
But for right now, I'd like to personally thank you
For ruining what WAS Cleveland Central Catholic
Because now that he's gone, it shows what kind of school you want to run
And a sincere hope that more run, more follow him out the door
Because it's going to be hard to run a school
When everyone is gone
But always remember while in bed at night
The more pissed off the kids are
The less they'll come to school
And the more problems you'll suddenly have
But always look on the bright side of things
At least you can take comfort in knowing that you created them
Best Regards!