Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Case of the Missing Van Keys

 "The van keys are missing."
I hear the funeral assistants say.
"IMPOSSIBLE!" cries the director
"Not today! Please not today!"
"Did you check all your pockets?"
"Have you looked in the van?"
"Are they sitting on a counter?"
Oh, what a jam.
"Yes, we've checked all our pockets,"
"The counters, the van."
Oh wait, Angel's found them

He's now our lost and found man

Death is like a candle flame

Death is the yellow and orange candle flame
Which dances with the blackened shadows of the wall
That lights the way that one came
From down the darkened hall
It dances in each gust of cool wind
The way Death dances around its weary victims heads
Until it goes out with a snuff or a puff

To never exist again

An Embalmer's Fairy Tale

A bite from a poison apple and Snow White falls to the floor,
the apple rolling away from her cream colored hands.
Her breath, like warm air upon skin disappears.
Her eyes like sparkling diamonds close to be seen no more,
as her lips as red as roses lay tightly held together.
Poor Snow White looks so unreal.
With gentle hands our work begins,
without the help of time.
The lines we run,
the blood we drain,
and fluids we use to replace-
helps bring back Snow White's color,
but no more warmth will she ever bring.
We wash her down;
We dress her;
We make her look her best...
Before we lay her in her oak and glass casket for eternal rest.
Her prince may come and kiss her,
the fairy tale's answer for dreams coming true.
But no matter how much or how passionate he kisses her,
to sleep will sweet Snow White ever lie.
Her black hair is fanned out upon the pillow.
Her hands rest together on her womb.
She's lying in an eternal sleep,
that's never to be broken-
For this...is death.
The seven dwarfs she lived with,
tears sting their eyes.
Their beloved Snow White is sleeping,
but she will never rise.
We slowly close the casket to her wooden bed she lays.
Her time is gone,
and to the world-
she'll never be seen again.
Her prince was too late to save his princess.
The dwarfs-out to work.
And so Snow White left this world:
The Evil Queen, she got her wish-
Snow White is finally dead.
The Proof? small children ask.
Her heart in a box in the queen's pale hands.
With tears in their eyes,
the prince  and dwarfs lay their beloved princess to rest.
Lowering her slowly into the cold ground, 
as it closes in around her...
every inch it sinks.
And with heavy hearts, they walk away.
For the fairy tale is over-
For the future queen is in the ground.
And no more fairy tales will anyone read.
So the fairy tale is over dear children,
but what's this? 
You refuse to bed...for fears that this fairy tale will dance in your heads?
Well, not every story a happy ending...
Nor every girl a prince.
Which is why Snow White's story is ultimately it.
Fairy tales are strictly fairy tales-
stories to children at night before bed.
Stories told to those who dear to be a child and dream once again.
Yet forgetting that one day, they too, will come to us-
The receivers of the dead.
For we are the one's who take care of you; 
the one's who prep you for death.
We are the one's who dress you and get you ready for your final scene
Upon the stage of life and death.
Where your hour of fame is everything-
We are the one's who care for your family-
the one's who have been kicked to the ground.
Grief and pain washing over them,
down for the final count.
Your family-
who needs us to pull them back up on their feet.
Allowing them to move past these awful days ahead.
And we are the ones who stand in the rain.
Wind howling loudly as your silently laid to rest.
Being neatly tucked away into a hole in the ground.
Edgar Allen Poe's Raven cawing in the steeple above-
"Never More..."
And in the distance church bells mournfully chime out:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Still Can't Let Go...

You never said "I Love you"
But I always hoped you would
I always felt so safe in your arms
So I never hid
But for some reason
I always thought we would last
I was always there to help you
You never had to ask
I even gave you my heart and soul
And you locked it up and tucked it away
There's never a day that does't go by
Where I don't find myself looking
Into the midnight sky
Thinking of us and where we went wrong
And how to fix it, so the problems would be gone
At night, I slept easy until you broke my heart
Now, I'm nursing that broken heart
How I can understand
Why you did tha to me
If you won't even look at me
You're so afraid to hold me
Less afraid to le go
You're so afraid to admit your feelings
But I'm nervous that you won't accept me
or can't
But for you to take me to my high school dance
To make all the moves
And not hold back
You had me believing that I was all yours
Then you think you have the right
To go behind my back
You called up one of my friends
To tell her how you felt
That you're scared that it's starting again
All I did was invite you to the winter dance
You're the jerk who made the moves
Me sitting on your lap
Cuddling in the car, where you didn't hold back
For some reason
I thought you were better than that
So I hope you're happy
Cause my heart's been broken right in half
When I needed you the most
You turned your back
You saw me at church
And I hoped we'd meet up
It was a sncere hope
And for that split second
As I walked towards your pew
A fell length cross in my hands
I felt when our eyes met
It seemed like the world was
Stuck in slow motion
But then that feeling left.
So our romance
Has landed in  a rut
And with it has landed me
With a broken and aching heart
And while I wish that it hadn't happened with you
I lie in bed wishing my heart was still whole
For some reason
I still can't let go


What does it mean to be in love:
To know that the one you're with is yours
How do you know if your in love:
When you've nursed a broken heart
From one who you thought was yours
But for some reason you couldn't let go.

If you're in love with someone, you can't bare to let go
You want to hold them in your arms and fight to keep them yours.

My Heart

My heart is yelling inside my chest
It's telling me to go
It say's "You want him"
But your mind is saying "NO!"
What do I see in him
That makes me want to be with him?
Maybe he's so goofy
And he makes me laugh
Maybe it's the fact that he's quiet
Maybe I'm feeling this out of pity or my pain
But I know that no matter what happens
I'll never stop thinking about him
And my heart will always belong to him.

Have You Ever Felt Like Everyone Was Against You?

Have you ever felt like everyone was against you? Like you were trapped in a box where everyone could see you fighting to survive, but loosening everything you hold on to tightly? How you want to just explode, tell them how you really feel about them, and yourself? Have you ever tried to just push it all away? How you fought to push away from reality, from all the blood, pain, war, death, and life in general, and to create that special world, where you're in control of it? Where you're safe from your fears, worries, and pain, or where you can face the things you fear, worry, or just need more time to chill? Have you ever felt that you are worthless, different, or abnormal? Like everything you love, and hold is nothing. Like you're tucked away in some little box in the corner where you can't overcome what weights you down, where you are powerless or nothing?

    Well, don't worry. We all have those day too.