Friday, June 28, 2013

For You

For You
There is so much I want to tell you, 
but the words just don't seem to be there.
I lay awake night and day, my breathing so shallow, my heart racing along
If only you were a mind reader, I wouldn't have to speak
Wouldn't have to worry about making a fool out of myself in front of you
I know what I want to say...but when I try, I am speechless
For you are the one to bring love back into my cold and empty heart
The one that scooped me into your arms and held me so I wouldn't get hurt
The one that is right beside me when the going get's rough
The one who was sent to bring me home
My knight in shinning armor
The one who still sweeps me away
The one who makes my life complete
The one who I've completely fallen in love with
For you are the one that I live for
Each and every day
The one that knows how to make me smile and laugh
When I'm down for the count
My best friend, my soul mate
The one to whom I'm giving my heart to
The one who, together, we will hold the world in our palms
This simple poem expresses it all
I guess I was able to tell you,
Just in written words, that's all
So this is for you my love
And all the time in the world that is ours
Until we are...reborn
In Love...
Once More

©Victoria Shea, June 30, 2010
Photo courtesy of 

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