Friday, June 28, 2013

I Am Not Yours



I want to scream it from the roof tops and engrave it on your forehead so you'll leave me alone, but that deep dark part inside of me can't bring myself to do it because part of me is still yours.

Every night I fall asleep upset, in pain, confused.

But you don't love me. 


Love isn't always just saying it.
 Love is also an action

We play this game of "one minutes" but the end is always the same-

You say you love me, then cheat on me anyways.

I want to be happy, bring my head above the water once more, but then I see something, hear or read something and I drown once more. 

I try to forget you but I find that I can't but it's not from a lack of trying.
Just when I think I've made it...I slip
I've started rebuilding...
I'm learning to slowly love again...
    But then he kissed me and all I saw was


                        And again I am blue...

So, if you love me at all, then help me past this...
Help me to finally get over you.

©Victoria Shea, 12 December 2012
All Scandal Photos are property of ABC

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